This case study in Tararua investigated weight gain and trace element levels (Cu, Zn, Se, Co) between two groups of calves weaned off milk and meal. One group provided with ® Forage Balancer – Weaner while on pasture, the other group on pasture only.
Forage Balancer® – Weaner is a blend of macro minerals, trace elements and vitamins all wrapped up in a concentrated carbohydrate base.
In this study, a weaned calf is defined as꞉
- 130kg +
- No longer fed milk / CMR
- No longer fed meal
The environment and protocol that calves were reared in was identical across all animals chosen for this study, i.e. mob size, pen setup and location, feed and milk offered. Two groups of weaned calves began the study on 5 December 2022 and two more groups started the study on 19 December 2022.
Treatment and control groups were separated into similar paddocks i.e. shelter, topography, pasture, water, size. The treatment group were provided 100g/animal/day of ® Forage Balancer – Weaner. This was poured into half culvert pipes.
On allocation to each group, weaners were weighed and their weights recorded. Control 1 and Treatment 1 began the trial on 5 December, then were weighed 19 December, 9 January and 8 February. Control 2 and Treatment 2 were weighed on the latter 3 dates. 6 weaners from Control 2 and Treatment 2 were randomly selected for blood testing. Bloods were taken on day 1. i.e. 19 December, and the final day of the case study i.e. 8 February. Vitamin B12, Copper, Selenium and Zinc levels were tested.

Weight gain between Control 1 and Treatment 1 tracks very evenly through 35 days from the start of the trial at 5 December. At this point, there is a significant difference seen in weight gain trajectory.
The control group average 179kg at the final weigh in and the treatment group 188kg, a 5% difference in gain which equals 140g ADG across the entire treatment period.
A very similar trajectory is seen in Control 2 and Treatment 2 groups though the initial stages of the trial. However, at the final weigh, the control group average 169kg while the treatment group average 179kg. This equates to a 6% difference in gain which equals 196g ADG across the entire treatment period.
In regard to trace element results, the control group lost a greater average percentage of B12, Selenium and Zinc over the trial versus the treatment group. The Zinc results in the treatment group stayed consistent over the trial whilst they reduced in the control group. Levels of copper increased at very similar percentage in both the control and treatment groups.
Proven take-outs
1. Forage Balancer®– Weaner can assist in weight gain of healthy calves when used within a mob for at least 30 days.
2. Forage Balancer®– Weaner is a cost effective way to balance deficiencies in a pasture only diet.
3. Forage Balancer®– Weaner may reduce the depletion rate of key trace elements over time.